With around 350,000 members across 45 member countries, the Naturefriends movement, founded in 1895, is one of the largest non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the world. Our members are active in local groups and are represented in regional, national and federal associations.
Naturefriends International (NFI) acts as the global umbrella for all the member countries and is also a member of the Green 10, the platform of the ten largest European environmental organisations.
Naturefriends are internationally, ecologically and socially minded
Environmental protection and social justice are the causes espoused by the Naturefriends movement, which is global in character and democratic in structure. The focus of Naturefriends activities is on designing and implementing sustainability schemes for the environment and for the society at regional, national and international level.
For current Projects, Campaigns, links and details of member country organisations see NFI web site: www.friendsofnature.org (Monthly Newsletter - subscribe on NFI home page to receive regular Newsletter by e-mail)
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