Do you have a mind to connect with nature and people…?
Since 1895 Friends of Nature have been championing the causes of environmental protection and social justice, largely through the “grassroots” actions of it’s members.
The FoN movement has spread throughout the world and is truly global in nature but democratic in structure with some 350,000 members.
A distinguishing feature or tradition for many is the bottom up approach in that they tend to “live nature” ~ long before the current trend for sustainable living was fashionable, members would go out into the countryside and build simple houses to enjoy nature.
Today the organisation is as vibrant as ever and champions such areas as…
- Nature interpretation. Inspiring people to connect with and to preserve the natural environment and to introduce them to biodiversity have been major concerns of the Friends of Nature movement from its very inception.
- Respectful sustainable tourism. Friends of Nature advocate a socially, culturally and ecologically benign development of tourism.
- Climate protection. We are actively engaged in environment and climate protection, organising pertinent campaigns and projects.
- Sustainable regional development. Friends of Nature activities are designed to support regions in opting for sustainable tourism.
- Political commitment. Groups may engage in lobbying and educational activities as well as in intensive networking with a view to popularising issues relating to the environment, to the climate and to social policy at regional, national and international level.
- Worldwide solidarity. Friends of Nature support intercultural projects and encounters and demand fair and respectful behaviour towards all people, irrespective of their ethnicity, sex or religious beliefs.