Since the earliest days of Friends of Nature in 1895, the role of local groups and individuals have been central to the development and growth of the organisation. In Europe and USA the approach has always been bottom up in terms of "grassroots" decisions and action.
Today this is still true as many of the houses are owned, managed and lovingly cared for by the groups who first built them... so don't expect uniformity across any countries house network - individuality, "quirkiness" and a passion for nature, sustainable living and the outdoors are the norm!
Groups equally offer chances to meet like minded people and to share walking trips, sports, crafts, cultural visits, etc. , often with a healthy mix of environmental campaigning at local, national and international level.
In our small UK group, members are geographically spread across the whole country so there have historically only been a few core groups where clusters of members live near each other. If you are interested in the outdoors, social events or campaigning, take a look at the current groups below... If a group is not serving your location - you could always start one...?!